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(757) 499-7393
5181 Singleton Way | Virginia Beach, VA

Cognitive Development
Intellectual Skills
identifies objects in pictures and the environment with more discrimination
identifies colors and shapes
begins to recognize letters and numbers
recognizes own printed first name
understands short time concepts (now/later)
understands cause and effect
identifies characteristics of environment through the senses (sunny/cloudy)
understands objects as symbols of something else (cross/church, valentine/love, number/object relationships)
perceives God as a loving presence
Language Skills (oral, aural, written)
participates in rhyming games/songs
recites, sings
listens to a story in a group
demonstrates a command of increased vocabulary
dramatizes a story
relates recent events
engages in imaginary play
attempts to draw stick figures
identifies body parts
counts 1-30
expresses self in front of a group (e.g. show and tell)
Social-Emotional Development
begins to accept responsibility for behavior
expresses feelings and needs
follows routines (e.g. toilet, hand washing)
exercises self-help, self-control
makes transition to a new setting
shares, interacts and cooperates more willingly
displays an understanding of self as part of family, school, community
interacts with new adults
engages in interactive play
Physical Development
Large Motor Skills
runs and jumps with increased skill
climbs stairs with one foot at a time
attempts to catch a ball
puts on outerwear
claps continually
rides a tricycle
shares, interacts and cooperates more willingly
displays an understanding of self as part of family, school, community
interacts with new adults
engages in interactive play
Our curriculum is based upon the philosophy of learning through play. It is organized around three major goals: Cognitive Development, Social-Emotional Development and Physical Development. Under each goal are developmental skills which the teachers use as objectives in planning thematic learning units and daily routines. All children will not master these skills at the same time. The teachers encourage them to progress through the curriculum and to achieve their maximum potential in preparation for kindergarten.